Lots of water under the bridge

A lot of water has flown under the bridge since my last blog post. The inspiration just hasn't been there.

But now as some light can be seen at the end of the pandemic tunnel - or am I being too optimistic - I feel like writing again. And first off writing about a happy event that I am so much looking forward to.

I've scheduled a new retreat at my favourite place in Andalucia - Santillán retreat. Situated in a secluded place in the mountains, overlooking the Mediterranean. With the most gorgeous yoga studio complete with a 24 station yoga wall! Diligently in use for both active and restorative asana work. For standing poses, spinal health, length, strength, opening - all aspects of asana work.

The day at Santillán will start with a two hour asana class. A typical morning class will be active to start the day off. Thanks to having Tanja there with us, assisting me, we can make sure that the practice can be adjusted to the level of each individual student. We give options and modifications as required.

After the class a well deserved breakfast is served. Often enjoyed outdoors in the sun.

The food at Santillán is not only delicious and abundant, it is also organic and locally produced and cooked with love and care. The food served is vegetarian, although fish can be served as well as a vegan diet, for those who requested. The kitchen also caters for all types of different food sensitivities and allergies.

Breakfast is followed by time off to either continue socializing, reading, hiking, swimming or taking any of the variety of body work treatments that are offered. They are not included in the price, but worth every penny! I’ve had the most amazing treatments at Santillán.

The following program on our schedule is lunch. More of that wonderful food that makes both the tummy and the soul so happy!

And once we’ve digested our lunch in any preferred way, it’s time for the second class of the day. This class will consist of a longer meditation, restorative practice or a combination of the two.

All relaxed and restored, peaceful and calm we slowly transition back to the dining area to gather for the last meal of the day. Dinner. Conversations and, if wanted, a Q & A on topics related to yoga, meditation and the practices of them are sometimes held to end the day. But often no formal session of Q & A is needed, conversations sometimes tend to slide into the topics anyway.

Then we repeat the program the following day and as the days pass, conversations become deeper, more personal, as we get to know each other better inside our safe and comfortable bubble - that of Santillán.

On the Wednesday we only do the morning class and the rest of the day can be spent as desired. Some have taken a longer hike down to the beach, followed by lunch there, others have gone in to Málaga to look at the sights, visit the Picasso museum or his birth house, shop or just walk around. Once a couple of students went all the way to Granada that day. But some choose to stay at Santillán, by the pool, in the gardens, doing a shorter hike nearby, getting a treatment or just whatever feels right that day. Lunch and dinner are served to those who prefer to stay at Santillán.

The rooms are spacious; all with an en suite bathroom. No two rooms look the same. They are all rustic and beautiful and to me have an air of hacienda. And each room has either a balcony or a terrace where the fresh air can be enjoyed in private, if wanted.

Does all this feel like something you would like to be part of?

If so, please contact me for further details by email at tove@tovepalmgren.com

I would love to see you there!

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